
13 Dead in Rail Tragedy +89
Al Gore Is Visiting Slovenia in December +7
Arranged marriage in the UK +17
At Home With Max Cavalera +6
Atlantic Charter +4
Atlantis +15
Barcelona +20
Belgrade +2
Bermuda Triangle +1
Blood Sweat and Tears -7
Bloom, Orlando +4
Boomtown - 2 datoteki
Brazilian Carnival +20
Cave Pekel and Roman Necropolis -3
Chasing Sunbeams +4
Chocolate Factory Is Open 0
Colour Therapy 0
Computer and Internet +6
Converting waste toilet paper into electricity 0
Coppermine Comes Monday But Camino Has to Wait -11
Creating time crystals 0
Digital services collect unnecessary personal information +1
Do You Know What Your Kids Are Watching +5
Does Breastfeeding Cause Cavities 0
Drug Addicts +3
Drug Culture Opening New Generation Gap 0
Earth's Encounter With Mars Closest in 50000 Years 0
Ebonics Outbreak 0
El Nino +3
Euro +7
Evolution - Lucy Who +3
Frogs +1
Global Pollution +16
Grizzly Bear +4
Hinduism +5
How Good Software Makes Us Stupid +7
How Scared Are You - 2 datoteki
How To Tell Your Girlfriend To Lose Weight -9
How to Deal with Clinical Depression +2
Hurricane Floyd - 2 datoteki
Indian Soul Food +2
Information Revolution +2
Invisibility Cloak Closer with Flexible Metamaterial +2
Kubrick, Stanley +8
Leonardo's Horse Unveiled in Milan +4
Limp Bizkit - Belting Songs of Love And Regret +6
London Commuter Trains Collide at Rush Hour +3
London Ranks among Worst European Cities for Air Pollution +1
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring +2
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers +5
Making the Sense of the Millenium +3
Minting And Printing +3
N.1 Ladies Detective Agency +2
Napoleon May Have Been Poisoned - 2 datoteki
New Hologram Tech Sets 3D in Motion +4
New Psychic Octopus Takes Paul's Place +2
Orangutans +2
Orcas +5
Pacific Northwest Overdue for a Big One -1
Patrick, St. 0
Patrol Squadrion 6 +1
Prince William +3
Problems Dog Baron +1
Rare Kiwi Hatches in Captivity +2
Red Fox +2
Retinal Implant Brightens Future for Blind +3
Schools for Scandal +4
Schumacher Puts Break on Pitstop to Take Up Ferarri Job - 2 datoteki
Skull Found in Shop May Be 1 Million Years Old +7
Smoking Kills +11
Solar Wind Sparks Dazzling Light Show 0
Solar power could become cheaper, more widespread 0
Staying at Home 0
Street Kids - Britain's Violent Youth +1
Sweet Valley High Secrets +5
Taming the Wild Creatures +1
Technique of Recycling Gold +1
Teenagers and Depression +13
Telephone's Second Chance +4
The End of Teenage Rights +2
Thirteen Feared Dead in Plane Crash +1
Tourism +13
Trump, Donald +4
USS Essex +3
When Monsters Ruled The Deep +2
Wikipedia used to give AI context clues 0
Winter Storm in America +3
With a Little Help from my Friends +3
You Are What You Draw +2
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